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Unknown On Senin, 13 Oktober 2014

I’m doing it today too, talking like nothing’s happened
Saying that I have no girlfriend
And turning off my phone secretly
I want you to console me tonight
Don’t ask me anything more
Let’s keep it secret so that she can never hear anything

Yeah, first moment when I saw you (no more)
I couldn’t see anything else
I assumed that I didn’t have my girl
What possessed me, I know I shouldn’t do this
I know it’s an affair
Is this enjoy? What did you say....
Well it seemed just like that

So today~
I don’t care cause we wild we rolling stones
I’m free like a wind, I’m rocking my life away

I’m again giving my heart today saying that I’m lonely
I hate being alone, leave you a lingering imagery and lean on you
Breaking up with my lover and saying that my new girl is you
My girl who are waiting for me, is she falling a sleep?
At dawn, sky is dark outside
Let us take a rest here, of one night
Though I cannot escape cause I fell too deep
I’ll go back to her tomorrow

So today~
I don’t care cause we wild we rolling stones
I’m free like a wind, I’m rocking my life away

Yeah hey baby, I got something to tell you
You know......
I know I’ve gone too much
At first, well it was mild
Later I enjoyed it
It was damn awesome but it’s futile
She acted like it was unfair
After realizing, it was so cold, a lot
I made excuses, I was inarticulate
My words, I hesitaed
Honestly, how can I say that?
Well, it’s not enough for me with only you
That’s how am I gonna say that?
Room in my heart today is a reception room
It’s for free to guest

So today~
I don’t care cause we wild we rolling stones
I’m free like a wind, I’m rocking my life away

Author Note's
 Hi readers!  sorry untuk post kali ini eng trans nya doang soalnya lagi sibuk mid test... ntar kalo uda selese midtest. bakal aku usahain deh indo trans nya ^.^ ok? see you
RCL yaa hohoho

{ 1 komentar... read them below or add one }

  1. midtestnya dah slesai blum?
    klau dah trans indonya donk...!!!!!
